Napier Street Aged Care South Melbourne

Moving in to
your new home

Signing your resident agreement

After selecting the suitable care home, you will receive a Resident Agreement. This agreement serves as a legal document, outlining essential details between you and the home. It encompasses comprehensive information about the services offered, associated fees, as well as your rights and responsibilities as a resident. Ensuring the completion of this agreement guarantees a clear understanding of the terms, fostering a smooth and harmonious living arrangement for all parties involved.

Preparing for your move and next steps

Senior residents living in and around the City of Port Phillip are welcome to attend the Napier Street Community Day Centre. Before signing up to join a session, we encourage you to visit the centre first (or we can visit you at home), to ensure that our programmes will be able to meet your needs and interests.


Update your address

Just like any other relocation, informing your family and friends about your move and sharing your new address is essential. You can provide them with your care home number or personal contact number to stay in direct communication with you.


Pack your belongings

Our goal is to create a homely atmosphere for you in your new surroundings, and to achieve that, we encourage you to bring personal items such as ornaments, pictures, or books to decorate your room just as you would at home. For added peace of mind, we recommend organizing personal belongings insurance to ensure that any valuable items you bring are appropriately covered.


Meet your care team

Once you've unpacked and settled in, our caring team will spend time getting to know you better, understanding your preferences and needs. We want you to feel at ease and at home as you settle into this new chapter of your life.


Personalise your care

Upon your arrival, we will engage closely with you and your family to understand your personal preferences and needs. Collaboratively, we will design a customized care plan that revolves around your specific requirements, ensuring that our support aligns perfectly with your preferences. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.


Enjoy life at Napier St.

After moving in, residents discover a welcoming community that fosters meaningful connections and vibrant experiences. Our diverse range of activities and events ensure there's always something to look forward to, from social gatherings to engaging outings. With a focus on holistic well-being and a compassionate team by their side, residents truly feel at home and free to embrace the joys of life in every moment.

Napier Street Aged Care Services South Melbourne